DIY Accent Wall: Step-by-Step Guide to a Stunning Wall

Ready to create a stunning accent wall? Follow our step-by-step guide to a DIY accent wall that will transform your space.


Steps for Successful DIY Accent Walls

Let's explore a few tips to ensure a successful DIY accent wall project.

Choose the right wall: Select a wall that will serve as a focal point in the room. It could be the wall behind a bed, a fireplace, or a television.


Decide on a design: Determine the type of accent wall you want to create. Some popular options include painting a bold color, using wallpaper, installing reclaimed wood, or creating a geometric pattern with tape.


Gather your materials: Depending on your chosen design, gather all the necessary materials and tools. This may include paint, brushes, rollers, primer, wallpaper, adhesive, wood planks, nails, tape, and a level.


Prepare the wall: Before starting, ensure that the wall is clean, smooth, and free from any imperfections. Remove any nails, fill holes, and sand the surface if necessary. Apply a coat of primer if required, following the manufacturer's instructions.


Measure and plan: If you're using wallpaper or wood planks, measure the wall accurately and plan the layout before starting the installation. Use a level to ensure straight lines.


Paint with care: If you're painting the accent wall, apply painter's tape to protect the adjacent walls and trim. Use a high-quality brush or roller to achieve smooth and even strokes. Allow each coat to dry completely before applying the next.


Install wallpaper or wood planks: If you're using wallpaper or wood planks, follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Use appropriate adhesive and tools to ensure proper installation. Take your time and be precise to achieve a polished look.


Pay attention to details: Ensure that corners and edges are neatly finished. Remove any excess adhesive, paint, or tape before it dries. Touch up any imperfections or uneven lines to achieve a professional finish.


Consider lighting: Take into account the lighting in the room when selecting colors or materials for your accent wall. The right lighting can enhance the visual impact of your design.


Step back and evaluate: Once your accent wall is complete, step back and evaluate the overall effect. Make any necessary adjustments or touch-ups to achieve the desired result.


Remember to take your time, follow safety precautions, and enjoy the process of creating your DIY accent wall. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can transform a room and add a unique touch to your home décor.

Installation and Design Services

We specialize in Accent Walls and Decorative trim installations. Follow us for design ideas or Message Us when you are ready to start your Installation!

We can help with design and planning!

There are lots of options to start renovating on a small scale on your own. For more serious jobs and professional designs come to us!