How to renovate your condo on a budget?

How to renovate your condo on a budget?

  1. Prioritize your renovations: Make a list of all the renovations you would like to do, and prioritize them based on importance and cost. This will help you allocate your budget more effectively.

  2. Look for bargains: Shop around for the best deals on materials and fixtures. Don't be afraid to negotiate with suppliers and contractors to get the best prices.

  3. Do some of the work yourself: If you are handy, you may be able to save money by doing some of the work yourself. However, be realistic about your skills and only take on tasks that you feel comfortable with.

  4. Consider cosmetic updates: Rather than major renovations, consider making smaller cosmetic updates that can have a big impact. For example, painting walls, replacing hardware, or updating light fixtures can all be relatively inexpensive ways to refresh your space.

  5. Work with a designer or contractor: A designer or contractor can help you create a renovation plan that fits your budget and meets your needs. They can also help you find cost-effective solutions and negotiate better deals with suppliers and contractors.

We can help with design and planning!

There are lots of options to start renovating on a small scale on your own. For more serious jobs and professional designs come to us!